Well boys and girls, I know I looked like a good boy with the good boy face. Anyways, This is Rumah Melayu Perak. This is the architecture of Perak Malay Houses. Which is what we're doing for our Malaysian Studies Assignment.

Well the house is not exactly well maintained and it actually filled with dust around. But what the heck? We just need pictures to support our assignments. I bet dust couldn't be traced in our photos I guess? We actually paid the entrance fee for RM10 just to snap a few photos for a few minutes and we're off to Cheng Hoon Teng Temple.(It is not worth to go Mini Malaysia)
There! Manage to capture the car we're following! Neh, It's Fat Joe's Car. Through this photo, you can already judge my driving skill! Cool eh? Neh, It's actually red light in front.
In Cheng Hoon Teng Temple, All camera's out snapping at each angle while Joe had her hand phone recording the tour guide, Josephine. A nice lady but not so nice on the phone. ^^ Ms. Shereen asked us to go to this temple and she is so anxious to get us the contact number of the temple's tour guide. By the way, These Sophia's photography masterpiece and are accredited to Sophia.
Well, we see the light! It's time for us to move on. Ms. Josephine shown us places around Cheng Hoon Teng Temple. Also she taught us a few Chinese Traditions, Architecture, Culture, Myths and Stories. There are a few Traditions where my family don't really practise it anymore and even some I've never heard of. ^^ Shy! What a Chinese am I?
I come to realise there are word carvings on it! At first I thought it is for aesthetic purposes but look closer. You can actually see the word! It is carved '平安, Ping An' It meant peace.

This one here is carved ‘雨顺, Yv(u) Xun(Sun)’ It meant Smooth flow.
The last one is carved '风调,Feng (Fong) Tiao' meant slow and steady.
With both combined together'风调雨顺, Feng Tiao Yu Sun' ends up a Chinese 'Simpulan Bahasa'. It meant everything you do will be slow but steady and smoothly goes.
This Mythical creature is called Au Yu. I have never heard of it and I think nor do you too! It is the head of the dragon and body of a fish. It is placed there for Feng Sui purposes since the old times. The water glides down the roof when it rains and comes out from the mouth of the Au Yu. Makes the effect like the Au Yu is actually 'vomiting water' for the house. Feng Sui beliefs that the water represents gold. Water flows in and not out.
Above and below this is the Imperial Guardian Lions also known as Foo Dogs and Fu Lions. The below represents the Male and the above represents the female. Referring to Yin and Yang, Yin as the female and Yang as the male. Notice that the male's mouth open and the female's mouth close? It meant the male do the talking and female just keep quiet. Also meant that Male do the business talking while holding the ball of coins(Business). Female with a child on her arms(Family). But according the Japanese. Well I think it first started with Japanese anyways. The Male is holding the globe while the palm is on the globe meant feeling the pulse of earth. Also, The male is inhaling meant Life while female exhale meaning death. Which also back to square one. Yin and Yang.
After the Cheng Hoon Teng visit, We went to Jonker Street. Passed by the alley. I find that it is very cooling but I have no idea what is there inside.
On our way to the chicken rice shop where we have not satisfy from the last trip. Here we are! Back to the same place. *Daring enough to stand in the middle of the street*
After the chicken rice thing, We went to Stadhuys. First we go to the Tourist Centre for Infos around Malacca. There we are trying to be shorter than Pamie.

Stadhuys Buildings

Caught Cam-Gigolo-ing

Second Capture

Well this is the actual picture
Well, It was KarWeng's Idea. We actually capture it although he ask us to point the camera ONLY.

Aiks phone rings but the picture isn't that bad.
Group photo! Come On! Fast fast!
One Two Shoot! Looks 'Fntasy'. With the landscape and our movements. Freestyle is always a mess but not for some.
I know this photo is weird! I agree with you! Don't really understand the meaning behind it but I'm very sure that there are artistic reasons which I have no idea what is it.

See! Lil' Boy is up to no good again! Wish he would fall huh? You know what? He actually....did not fall in. Surprising huh?
Come'on Lets Jump! Jump! Jump! *Humming a song*
No worries. Lots camera in standby! So Anyone? Want one?
Another prank from Mr. Lil' Boy Jon

Justin's Wild! I know!

Monkey see, Monkey do
She and her Malacca Advertisements... No comment. Notice a model behind?
After Stadhuys, Fat Joe kept rushing us to meet her up as we need to get to Portuegese village ASAP. Along the way, the boyfriend took the wrong way and ended up lost. We stopped our cars and wait for some classmates of ours to meet us up. For that time being, we went into the architecture muzuem (we didn't plan to go there). After all the snapshots, I dragged others to the playground!

Yep, We monkeys eventually ended up on the monkey bars.
Our territory! No intruders!
Look! Pam finally have her wish come true! Her long body! ^^

Wild People! I understands
After the playground, we went to the portuegese village to enjoy our delicious dinner.

"Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting!
Those Cats were Fast as Lightning!"

The End? Well Not really. Our Mom! Fat Joe ordered us to sit down and eat. We had Seafood. Unfortunately we did not order the crab. Ish! Should have! It's really cheap! Although I have the food pictures but I don't think it looks nice anyways. So after the portuegese dinner we had at the beachside, we left malacca. Along the way back was kind of scary as the 'Plus' Dolls were moving in the middle of the road. Waving with the Malaysia flag. It's a Little haunting for the first day of Hungry Ghost Month. Arrived KL in an hour and half then dropped them off at TCPJ then head home.
The End
-Behind The Scenes-
Jumping at the beach side does attract many attentions.
There's the attentions! Not really! They are just hunting for shells. ^^
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