Gee! I got lots to talk about! I shall start from 'the' door!
10th of September: Let me announce! I give you THE DOOR! I did some make over on the door after having sort of room renovation. This is the toilet door and I wouldn’t dare to do the same to my main door as it actually might trigger dad’s anger. I think after SPM, I’m going towards the art path but I didn’t expect this! First the graffiti on the wall and now this! ^^ Before this I’m sort of some very scientific kind of guy! = = Yeah! You guessed it, dad eventually found out the door and ‘wyn’ and ‘nag’ about the new doors and me destroying it. Poor innocent wall being drag into the topic again. Sad! Anyways, got the inspiration during class and Pamelyn actually did witness the drawing. Used a roll of colored duct tape and just duck tape.
14th September: Another day of PJ Hilton Hotel Christmas Train Project. Sigh! A long name! Yeah! I have finished the windmill with Fat Joe. Just the roofing part left as the Technical Felicia has to reconsider on how to fit the motor in. My new model is the Gazebo! A garden house in the Bohemian area! Took me awhile to finish the ‘damn’ thing!
This is the starter! Slotting the poles in would be a great idea!
With slotting method! Everything is fast! Thank God for the inspiration! ^^ actually I was told to just glue it together but it collapsed thrice! So I decided to SLOT everything in!
This is the part where it’s almost finish! The fence! Took me a long time to do it! Well? Assignments bother my life as well! Time wouldn’t let me finish the fence in time!
This is the Original look for the Gazebo! Just a Prototype of it! Mine is the larger scale of the prototype! ^^
Dear folks! My next model would be!

The drawing of the church! We modified a lil bit of it and yeah! It’s still hard to make it! T.T
Lately I have fallen in love with Lights! Everywhere I go, I see lights I would snap a picture! Widen up the aperture value and lower down the shutter speed! Gosh! Sony infected me with professional photography! After a wish for brand new phone and a lappie, I'm begging for a Lens! I want a soft focus lens! Making parts of distances to be focus while others blurry! Everything I learn in Sony Photography courses, I actually applied on shootings today! With all the morning briefing! All the learning! All the HQ visits! It's all worth it! I learnt alot about Electronics and most are photography! I still remember some are TV's! Radios! Lappie! Bluetooth! MP3! etc. Anyways, these are the masterpieces!
1 comment:
wei! good topic wei...
i've got alot to say bout it...but now nd to do painting d....shall have a long long statement when i finish my work.
eek! i've seen an anime on this type of relationship !! :D
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