Assignment was given last Friday. A total of 7 pieces of drawings where we need to draw it. There is Floor Plans, Roof Plan, Front Elevation, Back Elevation, Both Sides Elevations and Section. Gosh What I did was a total last minute. Yesterday, the day before the due date I started to draw. Well there is reason behind it, another assignment's draft due date was the day before. So I actually rush for 'perfect' and forgotten about this. We (the usual people) went to the studio after our English classes. Sat there for the rest of the day. Untill 5p.m, I already done 3 drawings and left 4 drawings. We just got to know that the guard will come and close the studio at 6p.m. So what we did was, Daniel, Pamelyn and me went downstairs to the program office to beg for 'merciness' to let us use the studio untill 8/9 p.m. But unfortunately they couldn't get the permission for us. They advice us that if any assignment requires us to use the studio, we should register for over night the day before the due date. So there is a back up just incase that we could not finish it in time.
We went home, stuck in the traffic, had dinner. By 10p.m after all the dili-deli, I start my drawings. Turn on the tv played the dvd '200 pounds beauty', a korean show. It actually distracted me and continued my work after the show. 4a.m, I quickly clean up my things although I still have not finish the drawings. Left 1 drawing and the reason I'm packing is because time for mom to wake up. I don't want to listen to the 'nag'-ing attack early in the morning. Woke up at 8a.m rush to college to continue and Voila! Done!

Next, PJ Hilton Project. Today I was told to make the windmill. First was the fan of the windmill.

Fat Joe's cutting the sticks and me glue-ing the thing in other words, Building it! ^^ My clock tower were pass to Diane to do it. Gosh they were like 'Your box looks nice but my wall doesn't' Please! It's just a base! Nothing! I was trying to be low by saying 'it's ugly!' but the seniors added 'It's not! wait till you see the inside!' and Diane was like 'Oooo what's inside?' and there goes another lecture on model building. I continued with the windmill untill the balsar wood went out of stock.

So it's time to go! But then, the seniors called us back. Their reason is, 'Your Homework! To finish the windmill! Bring home!'
Left the place back to home! Arrived home! Blog then Sleep!
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