Thursday, 17 January 2008

Stop Complaining! Start Doing It!

Are you feeling the weather is specially hot for you lately?

Nah! You're not hot. The earth is hot! Wake up people!! Nudge nudge!

The weather is seriously getting hotter day by day!! Rising the temperature! Soon, I need to shed my 'fur' and skin to suit the temperature! Just like the Polar Bear video!

Why isn't much people trying to change it? Whereby the matter is getting way serious for now and none is doing their part as a human!

Why take it as not practical at all? Lazy? People! The place we're staying in is getting worst! Malaysians just complaint about the weather and not doing anything. Solution? On the air cond lah~ of course by turning on the air conditioner isn't helping AT ALL!! Although it might not be CFC gas, but air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity energy. Be smart! Conserve energy! Saves money and also the environment! Note : Most common Malaysians are in this situation.

With Global Warming taking place, certain species loses their habitat! Polar bear! Ice just melts when there's heat. If there isn't any Ice left for them, they'll just exhaust themselves by swimming! They'll die of exhaustion!

Today, the polars are on news! Apparently Polar bears are acting weird in one of the zoo's in the world(I forgotten which zoo). The mother of the polar bears did not feed the cub! She abandoned the cub and left to die due to starvation. Zoo authorities are not aware with the current situation. By the time they found out, it was too late. The baby polar cub is just so fragile and small! Also, previously there are cases like polar cubs are lost and was suspected that the mother had eaten them alive(Another case of polar bears). This explains the tension and stress occurred due to the global warming effect.

Why isn't any 'high rankings' voicing up for the current issue? Global warming? As a role model for Malaysians? None for what I've known or maybe I've just missed out. Why isn't the government taking it seriously?(currently is just for the sake but not serious at all)

Not much people taking it serious at all! Why being green is weird and why shy about saving the earth? People just don't seem to understand the current situation we're really in. It's happening (Ceh, sounds like something from the movies) and it would affect our future.

I've started to sleep with the fan on and windows open! Are you? or still sticking with air conditioner?

I've started to recycle! Have you?

I have been sticking with public transport although it's hectic but I'm fine with it! Are you? I know you dislike it but whether you like it or not! Or something like 'It's causing me discomfort by taking public transport!' Well that's what you get for not appreciating/caring the environment! Earth is in critical status now! (atleast carpool!)

I'm aware that global warming is taking place and I'm taking action. Are you?

So just stop arguing with me about how green am I by doing a checklist! (meant for someone in mind or maybe you?)

I'm doing the best I could as a humans responsibility furthermore, I'm doing it! Atleast! Are you doing it? So stop talking and being selfish! Start doing it!

I'm aware of global warming since last year and I did bits by bits to save the earth. Little things you might not notice that makes a big difference. Today, Jonjon is taking it far more serious (explains the banners at the bottom). I know this might not catch your attention regarding the serious issue but I would be glad if you take this issue into consideration and yet it would be better if you (already is) be a part of the humans that are responsible.

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