Actually I've forgotten much about when is this. I was heading back home late from college after working out the sweats for Building Services II presentation slides and of course, it went out fantastic, just the lecturer does not know how to appreciate this kind of presentation. It is a presentation and it is a style of presentation, yet she commented the words on the slides. *Sighed!*
I brought my 450D along to have a few shots in the Library and all went great!

I caught this on my way back home. This is one of the reasons why I love the city. I love the casting speed of lights and shadows. The movement and the fluidity flow. It is in a speed beyond a human's capability while producing forms of art. Inconsistent art pieces.
Seriously, I thought the day would NEVER come again. Few weeks back, I was at the same place, passing by to get the train and I saw something quite familiar... Now, again? Right after library?? Passed by, saw it, acknowledged it, ignored it for awhile, paid for the train ticket, went up to spot it.
What I saw before this was a set of balls. No, it's not balls balls, its Balls! Yes! Male-Gent-Boy-Man-Modern Primate's Guts! That pair of Guts! Still don't get it? Okay, testicles! (tentacles for Jo) Well, it struck me at first because it looked REALLY familiar. Hey! I have a pair of those too!
I saw it dangling in movement, exposed to the public and you would suspect that's a flasher or just a beggar who's incapable to get better clothes. NO! It's not.
I'm glad I brought my camera along, set up my zoom lens and ready to 'Paparazzi'

(I wonder why blogger change the quality of pics... de-graded and pixelated after I uploaded it...)
*Sorry for the blurness. It was dark and in a distance. I need a tripod but I don't have it with me and I'm tired for that day, Its on a zoom lens, means its in a distance, doubt flashes would reach the target*
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