I've been busy about a lot of things. There's studio, 3D rendering, test, assignments. All coming in queues! It's hectic and wicked! Well, studio is the most critical part and it is! 5 freaking long credit hours. That's really a killer. Anyways, in conjunction with KL Design Week, Taylor's College is invited to participate. Most seniors are still tied up with their 'Ipoh' site studio so us and the juniors took it up as voluntary on participating this event.
We are participating 2 events in KL Design week, Secret Tent and 10 by 10 booth. The two events are happening in Capsquare, Dang Wangi. Secret Tent is a tent which portray as 'gerai' and the whole area are filled with a dozen tents with people selling their things in the tent. I've been making a few types of notebooks since January but my signature design still stands out which is the one with the 'wood' frame. Since I have something, I decided to sell it in secret tent. Would RM18 worth it? Friends said it should be around RM20-25 but regarding to the location we're selling it, RM18 suits it well. For the tent, we decided to have a theme 'Write Here, Write Now'. Exactly! We are trying to encourage people to write more rather than SMS, Email, Phone Calls...etc. So, we're selling postcards and notebooks. We offer mail delivery as well but stamps are not included with the price. *smiles*
10 by 10 booth consist of 10 empty white panels. I didn't know what is it about at first while I'm the assistant in charge of it till I arrive there to check things out. It's really weird to arrive there and see a bunch of pointed 'pine trees' standing in grid manner. Ms. Shereen, the lecturer in charge of the whole event told me, 'Alah, just print out taylors logo, tampal presentation board, janji stay a week, tayah layan then take down on the last day.' (It's normal for her selamba-ness. But we all know she doesn't mean it BUT I fell for it) and I trusted her. With the pressure of how other colleges did it, I talked to Shien Chii. Only both of us handling the 10 by 10 booth and we as usual, Taylorians or maybe just 'Architects on going' tend to be different, wants to be different. So we sat down, staring at the 5 blocks of panels, figuring out how to design it.
At the end, we came up with a concept and everything is just perfect. Making 'Taylors' stands out among all other colleges. It ROCKS!

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