I nearly forgotten and lose my interest in Classical music and orchestra pieces.
Thanks to Nodame, I nearly forgotten how to enjoy music. Nodame Cantabile, it was first introduced by Pamelyn. Back in those days, it was just an anime. During that period, I was sick of waiting and loading up the anime on video internet streaming. She tried to force me for it while after I had heard of the remake of Nodame into drama. Pamelyn insist on watching the anime first before watching the drama.
Sorry Pam! I just finished watching Nodame Cantabile, Japanese drama. I now finally understands why I like the drama compared to the anime. It is very much resembling the anime into the drama but it seems that even anime effects like violent beatings and tossing human body is also in practise in this drama. It shows that Wow! reality! than 2Ds... Not just so, the actors are really darn good on expressing their emotion which works great with the drama.
I shall do the less talking and let you do the watching eh?
P.S : I miss Orchestra!
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