Aww, dear boy Roman is 20 now!! It's been a year. My buddy, Jacqueline's friend. I was being invited to his 20th birthday celebration~ Glad he did! If he did not, WHEN will I know he had moved 5 months before? Buddy not letting me know he had moved.... Haha Thank god he called or else I could have gotten to his old place. Him instructing the directions helped me just a little and I thank google for their google map invention which lead me there via my phone.
I would say I'm one of the lonely aliens there as usual. Maybe I'm turning into an introvert... Dang! Not my nature. Just as I sat down while to have my light meal, seems that Triff (a friend) is just sitting next to me talking to Thanin(Roman's ex-classmate). They were talking about travelling in Cambodia n Laos. Too bad, I've not been to Cambodia so I just kept myself busy with my food.

Yep, we talked non-stop cz seems that we're both the only ones who we know from everyone in the whole party (means I only know Triff and vice versa). It was all about architecture, architecture, architecture and architecture! Then we moved to studios and studios and overnights and structures and panjat dinding UIA due to curfew and PAM camp and his sexy hot pink graphic design for the banner in PAM camp.
* commercial break, Triff is an Interior Architecture student in UIA, a sempai, a senior*

Then came along Thanin

These are the presents and yeah, I think you know which is from moi, Jonathan-san~ Everyone gave perfect good presents which I could have gotten those too! Why didn't I? No idea man. Just thought that maybe giving an art piece to decorate their room might look nice? Well! That piece does have meaning to him if he knows what is it.
Was disappointed to hear when he first saw it and said 'I could do this too!' (maybe he thought I bought it or something...)

Well, when I thought of a present for him. Immediately I wanted to produce an A4 piece canvas with my colorful dripping dots from the second floor to the first floor. Seems like all the way to Wins to get it turns out a 'no stock' from the auntie. Ended up getting the usual smaller size one. Dripping dots to me would look like history steps or something that floats in my head, a human like figure with blood dripping off his fingers while continue-ing on his journey. Anyways, the most basic interpretation of colors, I wanted to express 'a journey of 20 years' It is colorful and wish it could continue on his future plain white canvas.
While producing this piece, it took me HOURS due to reasons of color selection in orders and to do by layers. In other words, to let it dry for layers.

While waiting for those layers to dry, I decided to produce another piece. It's a random 'action', just took up another canvas and started to stare on it. I've decided to do the same of what I did on the juniors intake orientation. Spreading strips of colors and twisting everything in all four directions! Oops.. Why didn't I thought of all eight directions?? Overall, it resulted in something I did not expected. A great amount of green appeared! Not bad? Calm (Blue) + Happiness (Yellow) = Something....
Ended up presenting him both pieces. Am happy and glad to see that he place it on top of his bed frame. I think Thanin expects the party to be happy, wild, crazy and DRUNK! So he basically managed to 'convinced' us to drink with a selection of Liquor, Wine and MANY Beer! Malaysia made vodka is STRONG! I had alittle and it gushed up to my brain few minutes later! As usual causing me blush 100% with a tomato head. Most of us are drunk, in Roman's room... doing idiotic stuff, stupid stuff, crazy stuff, and back to idiotic stuff. I forgotten that I'm driving too! Thank god I went back to sober and normal an hour later. Or else, I think I need to over night! haha
Best of luck for your paper and Happy Birthday Roman! Happy 20!!
drink no drive
drive no drink leh
hahaha u are? ^^
looks adorable!
I mean Roman hehe
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