Yes! It was a bloodbath! It still hurts till present. What happened? No, it's not a suicidal mission! No, its not a cut from model making just because it's on a cutting board! My mind was wandering around and I picked up a crystal glass. I slipped it, fell and shattered in pieces while a few fell with the impact sprung back at me. I got a few bruises around and 2 serious injured cut!
Blood started to flow out from both hands and I freak out a little I have to admit because by judging the speed of the flow of blood gushing out from the fresh cut wounds. Reminds me of Pamie's cut where I'm once a witness! Hers was worst! It's like a little pocket from her hand/finger and the blood are filled up like a wine glass. Exactly a wine glass!
Anyways, I'm doing fine now I guess? It still hurts and my mind still wanders around! Someone wake me up from the misery I'm in! Tell my brain don't even try to go to those thoughts which wanders me around! I bet Edmund and Audrey knows what I'm thinking!
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