Look for a job. Well, I tried applying but no promises and Sony is requesting me to return. Honestly, I have no confident working there anymore. I don't feel secure as that pathetic idiot is still there after among all the people who left, he didn't! I don't think I can perform as good as I used to be and worst, I'm scared that I might dissapoint those who look highly upon me. I've been slacking and I totally have no idea how to bring me back up to how I used to be. Help!
I might try to finish off the things in my list as soon as possible then I shall go find a job or Sony...Everyone is encouraging me to work back but (sighed)...
I used to be the best part timer there. The one who didn't receive any teachings from anyone and with the humbleness, the one learn things by himself from discovering things and being CNN. Ended up, I'm the first part timer to know every product, system and everything about Sony. Guessed its the self motivation.
Anyways, I will reconsider the offer...
I realize that it's been awhile I've contributed art to my room. Every day after the exam, I kept having this vision of De Stijl on a part of the wall in my room. Yes, That particular wall. It's not other wall but that particular wall. The vision shown that the art work is done on the wall near the computer but then I realized that I can't place the artwork there. It's too risky due to the fact that my room's furniture would relocate again. Some will be dumped and some will remain. Of course, the computer table is definitely saying Bye to me!
I found there is only a wall that wouldn't be affected which is the wall next to my "Seal The Door". I started drafting the lines on the night of 8th May. Woke up late today and started color it without any planing of location. I followed my instincts and it turn out to portray my present mood.

My personal interpretation, the red represents the anger and pumped up. The Blue, calmness as you can see that there are still calmness in me. Thank god! The yellow shows that I still believe that there is hope and bright future. while the white shows the innocent of me where I did nothing wrong.
De Stijl, I'm not sure about the rules. I think I went against the nature of De Stijl. I left some part un painted. My original wall color is light green and I left it in some of the areas. It is to prove that there is still Jonathan in it! My greens!!
To innovate the style, I added some small pieces of mirrors (It's not in the photo, added after taking the photo) to reflect surrounding colors and to reflect the colors in me from time to time.
What do you think of it?
omg I can't believe you painted you wall...did you parents kill you?
I like the way u express it dude... it enhances the meaning to it.. especially the mirror... ^^
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