AutoCAD, Computer Aided Design. Two years and all gone after that. It's alright to me I guess? Since it doesn't provide any certs for what I've done for two years. (Thank God! Or I seriously would have troubles in future)
Just ignore my craps!
AutoCAD classes are on daily basis but its a four hour credit course(per week). I decided to take on the Monday and Wednesday classes leaving my Friday to be FREE! Anyways, today is my first class. Woke up early just to make it in time. The lecturer is famous for locking the door after a certain period. The class did refresh some of my memory on AutoCAD and it was cold! Should have brought a jacket instead but since I'm meeting Kenny at Bukit Bintang(hot weather) so I decided not to bring it.
Ended up frost to death. Needed warmth to melt the ice. After class, went to Bukit Bintang to meet up with Kenny. I thought I was early so I wandered around. As I wandered, I realize 2 hours has gone and no one turned up.
Well, my phone was sent to service so I don't have Kenny's number with me at the moment. All I can do is just wait for him to call to find out where am I.
Conclusion, he didn't appear. So I decided to give up and go back home from KLCC instead cz it convenient me since the bus to my house is there. I walked from Timesquare, into Sg.Wang and to Starhill to check out shop fronts! Next assignment is to design a given brand shop front. Was thinking why not have a first observe? I was banned from Pavillion as it is our first site visit of the semester.(Ms. Shereen warned us) We're going to refer/study Pavillion! Wow!
In the end, was too hungry and decided why not have J.Co's for lunch? I broke the charm! The Ban Charm! I hurried towards J.Co that I would be afraid that the queue might be long. It is LONG! But I can hear the doughnuts yelling for me!
I can't resist it. I queued up.
Yeah, it was LONG and the fat lady infront of me? Had a freaking LONG list! With people's names and flavors! I think there's about 7-9 boxes. Some half dozen and some 2 dozen. I F@#$ing hate her! GAWD! Could she just 'order' it but not from the queue? (she's doing office colleagues a favour, GAWD! Is buying doughnut is a part of the job? Any extra pay? If so, Let me do it! In a more wiser way! Gawd d$mn it!)
I was having a thought in my mind. 'Why not let me buy it first? I'm just buying 2! Just 2! Not greedy like you!'. At last! My turn. I ordered J.Co crown smtg and Mango Blitz. The last time I didn't see Mango Blitz. Looks yummy due to it's glossy looking.
After purchasing, I walked from Pavillion to KLCC with the small J.Co box in a BIG/HUGE J.Co bag. I wish to eat straight away but the air and the road filled with Carbon Monoxide. It would be deathly to have my precious doughnuts there. I manage to force myself to have it in the bus. But there are so many people in the bus so have it at home then.
Arrived home. The first thing! Not my precious doughnuts. I went online to shoot Kenny down! Apparently he forgotten about the meet up. OMG, first time got 'ffk'. Okay, not the first time if include best friends and buddies.

Look at it! I couldn't resist! I took the first bite, I'm fully cheerful! It's the cheer me up feeling! When I'm done, I was totally happy and forgotten about all the sorrows I have before J.Co's appearance.
Conclusion, must always double confirm!
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