Wednesday, 30 January 2008
I went to look for Ms. Shereen and she accepted my reason for not having any photos!
Yay! I told her the guards was 'shoo-ing' us off and what we did was just analyze the shops which we really did for most of them.
Sigh~ Didn't expect these to happen....
Another YaDsEuT Visit!

The evidence that we skipped our task! We went eating instead of doing our work!
Okay, we insaf already.... We sat down and started to pay attention on our work.
There is a few choices we have decided. Stay tune for it!
We will have our developed ideas up soon!

Monday, 28 January 2008
Sobby Weekends
I can't believe I missed QUICKSILVER REVOLUTION 2.0!!! I know it's happening but I don't have a
I wouldn't want to spend on any quicksilver as I'm not a fan. So I was wondering how they call the event "a free ticket" event which you have to make a RM50 purchase on their products or be a member?
I gave up as I saw the Terms and Conditions.
Worst! During dinner on Saturday, Shawn called and he said he has 40 tickets??? Why tell me when it's over??? (but he already distributed all of them, sad) Today I found out Elizabeth has 14!!! n worst of all! PEOPLE IN FACEBOOK HAVE UNLIMITED TICKETS GIVING OUT!!! I JUST NEED TO CONTACT HIM!!! BUT I DIDN'T KNOW!!!
Next event was KL Pac's OPEN DAY! It's their first open day and there's where I first met Douglas Lim in reality where he smiled at me?!?! Wanted to go but me alone? Audrey's having exam month while Pamie is working. Can't think of anyone who is interested. Sigh......
All I can do is just .......CRY! So sad!
I was talking to Roman few minutes ago and he reminded me of Valentines is approaching. He said "we singles just stay at home" and I said, "yeah stay at home and CRY!" Sob sob....
Anyways, CNY is coming soon. Next Week!! Can't wait to accumulate more clothes!! Audrey had her 11th! I just had my 8th! More to come!!!
Friday, 25 January 2008
Room Bag Raiders!
Brought to you by MTV us!
Yesterday, we learned about Color Theories. Each color plays a role and the meaning of the colors varies. My opinion would be the meaning of each color depends on each and everyone. But of course the meaning provided by the lecturer would be in general.
Take Green for example, the meaning given by lecturer is envy and jealousy but to others maybe there is other meanings. So Pamie! Don't stick to black and whites, be flexible!
Our first two assignment of the year would be :
- Design/Produce a Shop Front Display of a given brand (choose 1 from 18 brands)
- Build A Model Of Blocks According To Existing Masonry Architecture
- Castles
- Palaces
- Churches
- Wonders of the world (Made by masonry)
- Buildings e.g. houses
After the Interior class, we have to turn up for building construction tutorials. Letting her, the lecturer decide on which building we want it to follow. While waiting for our turn which is the last. We went on commercial! *Jeng Jeng Jeng*

(Not my style! Asking permission.. I mean friends wouldn't mind wut. If you did put your heart into the friendship, you wouldn't bother the politeness/kindness, cz you already know it!...Easy to say you have nothing to hide! Of course, not 'ask' but let me know aka acknowledge me)
Then he started raiding my bag and item by item being captured into photographs. Shucks, shouldn't have place my lighter in the bag and now it's already an evidence. T.T
Items found in my bag :
Right pocket
- Clay for hair
- Earphones
- Ipod
Left Pocket
- Coins
- KTM ticket
- Shades
Hidden pocket inside the bag
- A lighter
- A tissue pack
- California Fitness Voucher
Common area in the bag
- Papers
- Notebook
- Camera
- Stationaries
- Thumbdrives with phone straps
- Coke
Justin said : "Har? You don't put your phone in your bag wan ar?"
Jonjon said : "Nope! It's always in my pocket!"
After mine was Pamelyn's turn. I was so excited on digging people's bag, I helped him!

I couldn't resist this!! I just love lights

Thursday, 24 January 2008
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
what happened to JON?!?!?
NOT to me last sunday!
It was TORTUROUS! Indeed!
I decided to clean my room (Yah! Again!)
I started to pick up some shirts and...
A few of them were SOAKY WET!
Mom suspected me DREAM PEE-ING!
Hello! If it's dream pee-ing it could have been SMELLY!
In fact, it was ODOURLESS..
No, it's not ODOURLESS PEE
I suspect it was some WATER LEAKAGE
AGAIN, I climb up the roof (explains my bruises)

I reshifted everything in my room
Just to avoid it getting wet
Mom (decided) was recoordinating
relocating everything in my room
Thought it might be feng shui problem
My room ended up a big huge mess
All my things were brought out
Making my room looks like a storeroom
She was thinking of getting me a new wardrobe
Since the current one was flooded and soaked with water
I was told to bare with it first
I've decided
I want something sleeky and stylish in design!
Modernism is the word
My signature
It took me the whole day to clean up
60% of the mess
40% devided to Monday and Tuesday
That explains
Why I was so busy!
Wednesday and Thursday shall be
Regenerating and regaining stamina
and health issue
Which is FLU!
Dusty air is the culprit
Monday, 21 January 2008
Youth Is So Colourful

Saturday, I finally made it to PWTC for the Youth'08 event after Nat nat's class of course. I was blindfolding my way to PWTC as I wasnt sure how to go there. For what I know, it's opposite The Mall slash aka Legend Hotel.
While registering for entrance, bump into Kairi and Shake (Win Shen, Ignatius and Nicholas). They're up for the photography competition! (I told them about the event).

Friday, 18 January 2008
Back to Basics!
AutoCAD, Computer Aided Design. Two years and all gone after that. It's alright to me I guess? Since it doesn't provide any certs for what I've done for two years. (Thank God! Or I seriously would have troubles in future)
Just ignore my craps!
AutoCAD classes are on daily basis but its a four hour credit course(per week). I decided to take on the Monday and Wednesday classes leaving my Friday to be FREE! Anyways, today is my first class. Woke up early just to make it in time. The lecturer is famous for locking the door after a certain period. The class did refresh some of my memory on AutoCAD and it was cold! Should have brought a jacket instead but since I'm meeting Kenny at Bukit Bintang(hot weather) so I decided not to bring it.
Ended up frost to death. Needed warmth to melt the ice. After class, went to Bukit Bintang to meet up with Kenny. I thought I was early so I wandered around. As I wandered, I realize 2 hours has gone and no one turned up.
Well, my phone was sent to service so I don't have Kenny's number with me at the moment. All I can do is just wait for him to call to find out where am I.
Conclusion, he didn't appear. So I decided to give up and go back home from KLCC instead cz it convenient me since the bus to my house is there. I walked from Timesquare, into Sg.Wang and to Starhill to check out shop fronts! Next assignment is to design a given brand shop front. Was thinking why not have a first observe? I was banned from Pavillion as it is our first site visit of the semester.(Ms. Shereen warned us) We're going to refer/study Pavillion! Wow!
In the end, was too hungry and decided why not have J.Co's for lunch? I broke the charm! The Ban Charm! I hurried towards J.Co that I would be afraid that the queue might be long. It is LONG! But I can hear the doughnuts yelling for me!
I can't resist it. I queued up.
Yeah, it was LONG and the fat lady infront of me? Had a freaking LONG list! With people's names and flavors! I think there's about 7-9 boxes. Some half dozen and some 2 dozen. I F@#$ing hate her! GAWD! Could she just 'order' it but not from the queue? (she's doing office colleagues a favour, GAWD! Is buying doughnut is a part of the job? Any extra pay? If so, Let me do it! In a more wiser way! Gawd d$mn it!)
I was having a thought in my mind. 'Why not let me buy it first? I'm just buying 2! Just 2! Not greedy like you!'. At last! My turn. I ordered J.Co crown smtg and Mango Blitz. The last time I didn't see Mango Blitz. Looks yummy due to it's glossy looking.
After purchasing, I walked from Pavillion to KLCC with the small J.Co box in a BIG/HUGE J.Co bag. I wish to eat straight away but the air and the road filled with Carbon Monoxide. It would be deathly to have my precious doughnuts there. I manage to force myself to have it in the bus. But there are so many people in the bus so have it at home then.
Arrived home. The first thing! Not my precious doughnuts. I went online to shoot Kenny down! Apparently he forgotten about the meet up. OMG, first time got 'ffk'. Okay, not the first time if include best friends and buddies.

Look at it! I couldn't resist! I took the first bite, I'm fully cheerful! It's the cheer me up feeling! When I'm done, I was totally happy and forgotten about all the sorrows I have before J.Co's appearance.
Conclusion, must always double confirm!
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Stop Complaining! Start Doing It!
Nah! You're not hot. The earth is hot! Wake up people!! Nudge nudge!
The weather is seriously getting hotter day by day!! Rising the temperature! Soon, I need to shed my 'fur' and skin to suit the temperature! Just like the Polar Bear video!
Why isn't much people trying to change it? Whereby the matter is getting way serious for now and none is doing their part as a human!
Why take it as not practical at all? Lazy? People! The place we're staying in is getting worst! Malaysians just complaint about the weather and not doing anything. Solution? On the air cond lah~ of course by turning on the air conditioner isn't helping AT ALL!! Although it might not be CFC gas, but air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity energy. Be smart! Conserve energy! Saves money and also the environment! Note : Most common Malaysians are in this situation.
With Global Warming taking place, certain species loses their habitat! Polar bear! Ice just melts when there's heat. If there isn't any Ice left for them, they'll just exhaust themselves by swimming! They'll die of exhaustion!
Today, the polars are on news! Apparently Polar bears are acting weird in one of the zoo's in the world(I forgotten which zoo). The mother of the polar bears did not feed the cub! She abandoned the cub and left to die due to starvation. Zoo authorities are not aware with the current situation. By the time they found out, it was too late. The baby polar cub is just so fragile and small! Also, previously there are cases like polar cubs are lost and was suspected that the mother had eaten them alive(Another case of polar bears). This explains the tension and stress occurred due to the global warming effect.
Why isn't any 'high rankings' voicing up for the current issue? Global warming? As a role model for Malaysians? None for what I've known or maybe I've just missed out. Why isn't the government taking it seriously?(currently is just for the sake but not serious at all)
Not much people taking it serious at all! Why being green is weird and why shy about saving the earth? People just don't seem to understand the current situation we're really in. It's happening (Ceh, sounds like something from the movies) and it would affect our future.
I've started to sleep with the fan on and windows open! Are you? or still sticking with air conditioner?
I've started to recycle! Have you?
I have been sticking with public transport although it's hectic but I'm fine with it! Are you? I know you dislike it but whether you like it or not! Or something like 'It's causing me discomfort by taking public transport!' Well that's what you get for not appreciating/caring the environment! Earth is in critical status now! (atleast carpool!)
I'm aware that global warming is taking place and I'm taking action. Are you?
So just stop arguing with me about how green am I by doing a checklist! (meant for someone in mind or maybe you?)
I'm doing the best I could as a humans responsibility furthermore, I'm doing it! Atleast! Are you doing it? So stop talking and being selfish! Start doing it!
I'm aware of global warming since last year and I did bits by bits to save the earth. Little things you might not notice that makes a big difference. Today, Jonjon is taking it far more serious (explains the banners at the bottom). I know this might not catch your attention regarding the serious issue but I would be glad if you take this issue into consideration and yet it would be better if you (already is) be a part of the humans that are responsible.
Monday, 14 January 2008
Da Mouth! Da Big One!

Representing Da Mouth ‘大嘴巴’ . A new band formed in
Since she’s in there for long, why we never heard of her before? You might have! She’s one of the members of Sunday Girls. Sunday Girls is a female group singers consist of 4 Japanese girls singing Mandarin songs with some mixture of Japanese and …..etc. I don’t know what’s the story here but the group broke up where each goes their separate ways.
Okay, why she’s hot to me while assuming my taste standard is so high! Well, She used to be just an ordinary girl! It’s a sudden big change of image! She looked different! Way way different than she used to be! Even her in the videos are already doing the melting Jon Job! Do have try to google the old her up and compare it into the new video!
Second thing I like about this group. Her voice! She changed her voice too! Chinese pronunciation improved a lot and the way she sings it! So smooth and soothing quote Pamelyn!
I totally forgot about others. Too concentrating on Aisha >< She’s the only female in it. Others are all Guys. Another term should be Men! *Reciting Audrey*
Men Number 1,
Name unknown, he’s the lead singer in the group. Known as a mixture Chinese and Korean blood. (I don’t find him handsome, Ugly is another word. He looks similarly to someone I hated the most! Just the features)
Men Number 2,
Name unknown too! He’s the rapper in the group. Known as an ABC. American Born Chinese. Not really…He’s been brought up in
Men Number 3,
Name unknown three! He’s the disc scratcher in the group! He’s a Japanese from
Basically, the manager brought them together cz he thinks that foreigners singing mandarin song might sounds nice and IT DOES, K!!
That’s all I know about this group. Songs wise, All of them are NICE! The CD is worth BuyinG!! The music is also ‘CUN’ cz the disc scratching can be heard unlike other songs from other groups!!!
The glitch, a few number (not more than 2-3) of songs are sort of annoying. It gets annoying until you hears it till a certain level/limit. For a first timer, I recommend ‘Jie Guo Neh’ (Conclusion leh?) and 119.
Warning, most of their songs are dance songs (disc scratching explains it). Suitable to dance (alone) or considerations for clubs?
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Eve of New 2008
Why KLCC? Daniel invited me up to his office! It's a chance I wouldn't want to miss!
Well I know where are the accesses but it seemed that the polices blocked the whole area. I told them I left my things up there but they wouldn't just let me up! Dang. The only way is to meet up with Daniel and he brought me a pass!
Used to see people scanning their passes and go straight up the twin towers everyday and now it's my chance! I scanned, I pressed the elevator buttons and *Ding* "41st Floor" then we changed elevators, and pressed buttons again! *Ding* "52nd Floor".
All I can say is COOOL and DROOOL! I entered his office and *I heard the crows calling* empty! No one! But didn't care much! The excitement is PICTURES!!

Rushed there in time for the Baskin Robins Ice Cream Fondue! It was melting! Seriously we should try Häagen-Dazs! Arrived there, the first thing was GRAB a bite! But I heard some flies flying around asking me to pay as If I owed that fly! Hates people that are so calculative!

Well, we went in to have a drink! Took me so long to make up my mind on what to drink! Heineken? Carls? Becks? Booz? or some imported beer? I wouldn't want something heavy... Just something light will do.

As we move ahead, they've started count down and I was Yelling and Screaming! Woo Hoo! Happy New Year! (was hugging Jacko too tight! Sorry! )
After the fireworks, we walked all the way to Hang Tuah Station. On the way, I think the alcohol strike Jacq's brain. She went into deep drunk situation and was babbling about Batman and Robin! Bat Mobile! Something like that!
Then I said
Me : 'One Step!',
Audrey : 'Two Step!'
Me : 'Three Steps!'
Audrey : 'Four Steps!'
Me : 'No No NO! It's Three and a half steps!'
Audrey : 'Okay oKay! Three and a half steps!'
Me : 'No Lah! It's FOUR STEPS!'
Conclusion, I wasn't drunk! I was acting drunk! Taking advantage to be drunk! Since I've consumed alcohol! So why not? Audrey would be damn Zha Dou when she sees this.(about the steps)