Just about to leave for college. Heard some metal hitting sound. Oooo it's coming from the kitchen! I wonder who's making those metal noises. Peeking from the side of the wall in the dry kitchen. O.O This is what I see!

It's darn shocking to see this! His cooking! Gosh! Look at the way his doing it! Looks PRO to me? ^^ I think he doesn't need US to cook for him anymore! 'Che-wah'! Grow up already! Konon lar~

Ratings would be erm...average? He didn't even realise I've been taking photos! After I took this, I saw him washing the utensils he just used. Looks slow, so I took over instead. Helped him wash everything and I asked him one question, 'How are you going to eat it? Are you going to eat with the Pan?' Well, his answer is kind of funny to me...'Oh Ya! I forgotten! I need tomato sauce and fork!' Aiks, headache. I thought my head was spinning a moment ago. ^^ Asked him again, he then gave me suitable answer 'A plate'. Shooking my head while looking at him walking to the cabinets.

Left college at rush hour. Arrived at KL Sentral right in time (glad!). Spotted some police scouting the place. Then I realise that at least the authorities from Rapid KL are doing something about the recent crime rate occurred in most Putra stations. Heard on the radio today morning where the citizens were complaining about pick pocket happens while passengers waiting for train. The radio DJs called up the company and questioned them whether they have taken any actions. Now you see the POWER OF ELECTRONIC MEDIA!
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