25th November! Was doing work half way received a call stating free tickets for us to Live & Loud! Which cost RM260! Overly excited caused me to rush all my work!

A total of 5 tickets for 4 of us. Obviously there's an extra ticket. I tried calling everyone but none could come. (Dang it! Hey! Still want me to fetch you?? Got ticket for you still want to negotiate conditions...umm not you Shawny) Such disappointment. It's not late to appear though because the concert starts at 1600hrs and ends at 2300hrs.......
Look at the entrance! So packed! They have people checking bags and collecting tickets. After handing in the ticket, I just realise I have a camera with me. Dang! Was hoping they couldn't spot my camera. As they opened my bag and my heart was pounding deeply, they FOUND IT!! How? Okay, it was obvious. They told me cameras are not allowed in the concert ground. They ask me to put it back to the car. I lied. I lied and I don't care. I said Dad went off Long ago. Was waiting friends at the entrance. They insisted no cameras so I told them that my camera got no battery. They really want to double check whether my camera has batteries in it. I showed them and actually there is batteries in it just that I forgot to charge them(Honest). They ask me to give them my batteries, I said it's rechargeable. He let me off with no other choices. As I chuck my camera back in the bag, another security saw it. He stop me! Dang! I walk off instead with the feeling of so fed up. He brought an authority to make a decision. I can't believe it! At the end, they let me off Again. Can't believe it! Really can't!

The distance to the stage area was far! It was a very big field and the stage arena is half of it. It's too big and it's tiring to walk all the way there. Found a spot for us and some unknown china singer was performing I think? She's not bad either. Too bad I don't know who is she.

I thought about moving to the front row as the place we were standing at is too far(not that far). We excuse our way to the front and yeah. It was Andrew Tan's turn to perform. Everyone was screaming and yelling! The crowd isn't that bad either. He danced and sing all the way till the end of His TURN.

After Andrew, came some singer who is famous and I don't know who is he. He's Vincent and the crowd knows his songs. swt = =|| He sang about 4 songs and came along Jerry!

Jerry (local) isn't that bad looking compare to our dearest local artist Vincent, quote someone.

They sang 'Ilham'! Total rocked the crowd! Then followed by famous Chinese duets. Very impressive that they really controlled the crowd well.

There! They sang Can't Keep My Eyes Off You! It was soooo fast till you got really high while singing with them.

Remember his Darn Face!!! Never please him during concerts!! He turned to me and said it in a very aggressive manner 'Could you move back abit, I need some SPACE'. I gave him a stare. and didn't move. Later, Sam told me that he got scolded by someone from the front as he tried to do the same. I was offended in a way and I kept saying out loud, Whats the point of coming to a concert IF YOU NEED SPACE??!? haha
**End of Warning!!**

Unfortunately, they have to leave because there are alot more artist at the backstage waiting to perform. This guy here is new to the entertainment media career. His Thor Luk. He won the Hong Kong Talented contest and he apologised at the beginning because he still do not have his own songs yet also this is his first time performing on stage other than the concert. The idiotic guy's friends was complaining about Thor Luk singing other artist's songs. Dang it! Who would care as long as he's good? Felt like slapping them! Thor Luk performed 6 songs and most of them are famous ones.

Surprisingly after Thor Luk is Kenny Kwan! I didn't know that he's coming. I still like Boyz instead than him himself because Boyz's songs are better! Too bad they disbanded.
Soon, received an sms from Pamie stating she's leaving the house. 'Leaving' which means she's doing it. She is Leaving the house. I left the place and went to the entrance asap as Pam's place isn't that far to the concert venue. After arriving at the entrance, she said she's still at home. I sat there and waited for her for some time and soon she arrived. I hopped on her car to help her look for parking spaces. Sam called me to inform about next singer is up and he's Guang Liang!! I rushed Pamie! Both of us was shouting and screaming in the car and was hoping we spot car park in the next minute. We did and we ran to the entrance and the concert arena! On the way, he was singing his new songs and after that he sang 'Tong Hua' (Fairytale). Both of us ran back to our standing spot which is the front row and blend into the crowd.
After got my camera back from sis, I still manage to capture him singing 'Fairytale'
I love the lights! It was soooo beautiful and heartwarming as it blends with the song. Pamie reminds me of our 11th lecture. Lights.

He then sang 'Bu Hui Fen Li'(Won't Separate). Seriously everyone was following!

I can't accept the fact that Guang Liang went off so early and next is Claire Kuo. Sorry about the details. She's from Tw not Hk. No one knows her songs so which is something like 'potong steam'.

This proves that I'm obsessed with the lights. Darn it! Really love it. It's sooo finely done.

I lowered the shutter speed to capture them perfectly.

Look! I hooked someone from the concert. Her name is Samantha! Yeah! She's my type. Can you believe it? Neh she's my cousin. She's the terrific cousin who supplied my the free ticket.

There is Pam! The running made us sweat like we just had our shower! But still we had fun! The M-C mentioned the next singer who is going to perform next and THE WHOLE CROWD was SCREAMING!

I seriously never heard of him and don't know who is he. His name is Zhang Zhen Yue. I'm very surprised that I know how to sing his songs. Really! He TOTALLY ROCKED THE CROWD! Everyone knows his songs and I find the lyrics darn nice! For the first time I listen to lyrics. ^^

He sang 4 songs and ended it with 'Zhai Jian' (Goodbye) Really darn High! Very very High!

She's Ma something. Forgotten her name. She sang her EP and left. Ping Guan asked her to perform on stage for experience as she's new into this kinda thing. A new singer to be precise.

Ping Guan came up and sang a few songs from his new Album which consist most of the oldies hit songs. He first sang Seasons in the sun and I bet there wouldn't be problem with the crowd anyway.

Top of the world by The Carpenters and the crowd still knows how to sing and a chinese song (I don't know).

Suddenly he invited Fish Leong out! They sang Way Back Into Love and Pamie is jumping up and down yelling 'HEy! It's Music and Lyrics!!'

Both of their voice suits the song anyways. Atleast they sang some widely known songs. I was shocked with her current situation. She's soooo skinny! I like the old her better.

Ping Guan left and Fish Leong had her time of her own. She sang Yong Qi! It's a classic of hers! I was singing out loud! Totally into it! Darn High! Very very High!

She then sang 'Chong Bai', her new song which isn't bad after all. Then 'Ning Xia'. She requested all of us to wave the cellphones and by looking into the concert LCD screen, It was a nice scenary!

One of the moments I captured.

After having so High moment, she just said Ok Byebye? swt... As she left, I saw some girls moving around. Saw a short skirt girl which is different from others. I thought she's a dancer.

As the lights went brighter, It's A*Mei!!!

She looked good in short hair! Cute! and She rocked the crowd too!

Everyone was jumping up and down!! Singing outloud!

Yeah, As I said, everyone was jumping up and down and waving their hands. I was just standing there snapping photos and wouldn't want to waste the chance. She spotted me and was pointing at me. I snapped it! and still snapping photos.

Some chats and 2 slow songs. One of them is 'Wo Yao Kuai Le' (I want to be happy). It was famous!

Hands waving as she requested!

At the end, she sang 'Summer'. New song. She ask us to sing together when she sings 'Xiang Qi Ni Lai' part and we sing ' oooooOOO oooooOOO' hahaha so Fun! Pamie loves her and she's soooo excited! At the end, She sang Bad Boy and 3 days 3 nights. So cool! We're Running and yelling to the exit. Afraid the Jam will occur when leaving.
Conclusion, I was sooooo High!