Monday, 24 September 2007

Best Friends or BGR?

Love! ‘Love is everywhere!’ quote Fatin Farhana. Love does exist in friendship. When the love is being expressed more than it should be then it is another kind of love which leads us to love of ‘partnership’. Everyone is very clear about this stage unless for those who never experienced it. Love towards friends, this is what I experienced and same goes for everyone. Years back I once love a Best Friend, yes it started with a friends love. Later, I realize it is not just a normal friend – friend love. It’s more than it suppose to be. (No Audrey! It’s not you! Continue guessing!) I soon learn from Audrey is that Best Friends should not start a relationship with each other. Friendship must be kept safely and treasured. The destruction of a good friendship is by moving to the next level where the love is in the air~! I wouldn’t agree with that! Do you know the consequences?

The used to be Best Friends ‘feeling’ would never seems to be the same anymore if a ‘relationship’ were to be started. ‘Jon and I always exchange secrets’, ‘Jon and I always hang out at the café near by after school’, ‘Jon and I had lots of sweet memories of friendships’, or ‘Jon and I always go to each other houses everyday for movies’. If a relationship were to be started ended with a best friend, the lines above are to be erased from the memory as those wouldn’t happen anymore. Well I actually did some of these with Audrey, like the daily movies in each houses or exchange secrets and fun moments and I took as example. Gaining a friend is hard and losing a friend is easy

I know some people are like me and ‘someone’ (some of you may have know who Lar~) where we both still could remain as best friends and still as close as it used to be. I know I have the ability for that but I don’t think that I can do that for every relationship I had or will have. It would be hard for me same goes for the partner. Not everybody is easy going. Most of the people are sensitive and most of them tend not to stay the same way when everything comes apart.

‘Best Friends are like shooting stars, rare n divine. The sky might be full of stars, shiny and bright, but a shooting star comes once in a lifetime, once missed, one shall never find another, just the same those shooting stars cross your path shall leave an everlasting impression, those who have shooting stars in their life are those who truly blessed’ Genevieve (In Disguise) (2007) Artist in progress

Audrey, you do remind me alot of things. Appreciates the past! ^^

Saturday, 22 September 2007

Lately 'The' Me!

Folks! I'm back from Malacca! (riiight) Unfortunately, I was left behind in Malacca. Everyone abandoned me! Ha ha! Joking! I was very busy with assignments and homework. English is 'the' most 'the' sickening 'the' crap! I know it’s a good thing on learning to write an actual essay but she just shoot out the homework without considering other subjects! Yeah maybe that’s how it supposed to be. Thank god she's my mentor. Confession here, some of you might know it well? I abuse the power of mentor mantee! Beg for deadline extension! Mua Ha Ha (Evilly)

Gee! I got lots to talk about! I shall start from 'the' door!

10th of September: Let me announce! I give you THE DOOR! I did some make over on the door after having sort of room renovation. This is the toilet door and I wouldn’t dare to do the same to my main door as it actually might trigger dad’s anger. I think after SPM, I’m going towards the art path but I didn’t expect this! First the graffiti on the wall and now this! ^^ Before this I’m sort of some very scientific kind of guy! = = Yeah! You guessed it, dad eventually found out the door and ‘wyn’ and ‘nag’ about the new doors and me destroying it. Poor innocent wall being drag into the topic again. Sad! Anyways, got the inspiration during class and Pamelyn actually did witness the drawing. Used a roll of colored duct tape and just duck tape.

14th September: Another day of PJ Hilton Hotel Christmas Train Project. Sigh! A long name! Yeah! I have finished the windmill with Fat Joe. Just the roofing part left as the Technical Felicia has to reconsider on how to fit the motor in. My new model is the Gazebo! A garden house in the Bohemian area! Took me awhile to finish the ‘damn’ thing!

This is the starter! Slotting the poles in would be a great idea!

With slotting method! Everything is fast! Thank God for the inspiration! ^^ actually I was told to just glue it together but it collapsed thrice! So I decided to SLOT everything in!

This is the part where it’s almost finish! The fence! Took me a long time to do it! Well? Assignments bother my life as well! Time wouldn’t let me finish the fence in time!

Voila! Finish! Done! Yay! Woohoo! (20th September)

This is the Original look for the Gazebo! Just a Prototype of it! Mine is the larger scale of the prototype! ^^

I manage to capture some tiny prototypes as well! These are the chairs and tables! Some other members are doing these! Cutting out and coloring the chairs and tables, cutting the table cloth!

Dear folks! My next model would be!

I can hear the Choirs singing Halleluiah! Ladies and Gents! This is the Church Located in Venice! Imagine how HUGE the church is! Oh My God! Yeah! I have to make that to evaluate my marks on Design Comm.! So most of my weekends gone here! Gosh!

The drawing of the church! We modified a lil bit of it and yeah! It’s still hard to make it! T.T

Lately I have fallen in love with Lights! Everywhere I go, I see lights I would snap a picture! Widen up the aperture value and lower down the shutter speed! Gosh! Sony infected me with professional photography! After a wish for brand new phone and a lappie, I'm begging for a Lens! I want a soft focus lens! Making parts of distances to be focus while others blurry! Everything I learn in Sony Photography courses, I actually applied on shootings today! With all the morning briefing! All the learning! All the HQ visits! It's all worth it! I learnt alot about Electronics and most are photography! I still remember some are TV's! Radios! Lappie! Bluetooth! MP3! etc. Anyways, these are the masterpieces!

I remember this is the day we stayed back at Justin's Place to do our assignments! It's late at night when we left! I told Sophia about the lights in Petaling Street aka China Town! She drove there! Yeah! I was kinda wild in the car when we arrive there! In other words, Drunk! Not by Alcohol! But lights!

With 'Sophia! Open the window!' Climbing to the back seats of the car and stuff! It's very wild of me! You don't see me like this!
The back view! I bet drivers were wondering what am I taking! Them or something else?

These are from Lake Garden area! Yeah! We went round and rounds to get a few nice ones! Same goes to the bottom one!~
Thats all folks! I'll be updating the Lake Garden post later as I'm sort of in a rush! ^^