After months of suggesting, debating about it. We decided to have it on 29th December 2007. What is it about? Well, we call it "Sony's Best Ex Part-Timer's" Gathering. It's been decided and no more amendments! Took us half a year! Gosh. The venue? Where? Pavillion Sakae Sushi since all of us agreed on it.
I've suggested mamak! and some craps but they were like 'Jon! Enuf! Be serious!'. Actually they wanted Japanese Buffet. Been scanning through the whole Malaysia from the famously known Internet. Yeah, We've found Starhill and One U and in conclusion, It's expensive. The one in OneU I saw is roughly RM62 I think? Well it's quite expensive.
I remember having Japanese Buffet in Kerinchi (Many times) but it seemed to be closed down. I have no idea why but it's kinda wasted. Aiks.
On the particular day itself, I was late. They(maybe or just Joshua) never been to Pavillion and absolutely no idea where is it. I told him it's in front of StarHill. By the time I arrived Timesquare(meet up point), they said they're in Sushi King. I wasn't that hungry cz I had my lunch!

Took a seat, started stuffing sushis into stomach!
Chated and Shu Ying started her paparazi behaviour. Yah! I got it from her! The Sifu!
When Shu Ying started her routine. Daphene is ready for the shot! Her hand is just a fast motion caught in cam. No worries people! You shall see it soon! I shall quote this picture "Affair!"
There I am! On the phone! So many people calling me. Business is Booming! (jk)

The lunch cost about RM 20 for my side. It was Okay for a heavy sushi eater who had his lunch, I guess? Well, we settled the bill then head on without planning what to do next. I suggested to go for shoe shopping! Since I need to get myself a pair of new shoes. We went higho all the way but there isn't any shoes that looked nice.

After that I went to meet up with Tony. He bought me a Christmas present! Surprising! Felt bad since there is nothing for him in return. Well, Season of Giving! I can't say anything about it. We watched Alien Vs Predators 2!! It was ....erm....ehem...erm...dots! Very different from the first! Totally! The ending? You would felt America is Cruel! Very!
Tony forbid me from on opening the present! The cheeky me could prevent that from happening EASILY! In the end, he allowed me to do so. It was a huge box without wrappers(Great! Green Christmas!) I opened the cover and guess what? It's Tigger! Yeah, was laughing non-stop! Stared at tigger! Continued laughing! The reason? Jacqueline got the SAME tigger from Jeremy for Christmas Present and I was playing with it on Christmas! Disney War in Jacqueline's house (refer to last post).
After a period of laughing, I explained to Tony about it. He asked what was I expecting from the box. I was expecting Pooh or Donald or Eeyore....etc. Then we went looking for Audrey's present.
The listed requirements are :
- Huggable
- Fluffy
- Special Type of material (I can sense it but can't tell it)
- Soft toy type
- Looks old (classic)
- Bunny Jr. Type
- Bunny Jr. Design
- Bunny Jr. Sewings
- Bunny Jr. Patchings
Yep, I'm trying to get something to replace Bunny Jr.! We both run through the whole Bukit Bintang area yet we still couldn't find a soft toy that meets the requirements! None at all! Not even One! At the end, I decided to get Audrey a Tigger! Since We(Me and Jacqueline) owns a Tigger now! Why not Audrey?

Mine? RM49.90! Thank You Tony! Really appreciates it! Well, After Kingdom Hearts II, it's impossible for me not to be a Disney Fan!

There is an Art Gallery currently displaying in KLCC, there is an artist actually used soft toys as art subject! He used moving lips projected towards the soft toy's mouth position....etc (Go check it out!!). Now! Back to topic!

Little Tigger patting Big Tigger's shoulder! CUTE!