Monday, 29 October 2007
I2D stands for Intro 2 Design

Another BIG Choo Choo Issue!

Read All About It! Choooo Choooo~

As shown, our project appeared on paper! Gosh! Why wasn't I'm in it instead of Sister Sophia? hehe That's because I'm in another room finishing up my Bird House and Church. Yep, Deadline is coming and everyone is rushing! Rush Rush Rush! Deadline is Really Coming! God, I make it sound like Dooms Day! People! It is Dooms Day ya!! For us SABD students only. ^^ We still have some time to settle the landscape. As you can see my previous posts, we've already started the landscape. All left was to pray hard and work hard for it! Hey! We still have exams eh? Not that simple! We still need to paint the landscape! Gosh! We're toast...Ish...worry for nothing! Wish us luck guys and come support us during the month of Christmas in PJ Hilton Hotel! Oh Ya, I'm in Bohemian aka Venice.
Shut Up!
Date :29th October 2007
Time : 1104
Location : Jon's Room
Damn it! Why can’t YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!! I totally had enough of you! I can’t stand you anymore! Acting a smarty pants at all times! Please! If you do not understand what I’m saying, please do not interfere! I can’t believe that I know such person! Next time listen carefully what I’m trying to say first then VOICE UP YOUR COMMENT! PLEASE BE SURE YOUR COMMENTS ARE MAKING SENSE! PLEASE DON’T SUGGEST WORDS THAT ARE IRRELEVANT!! GOD HEAVENS! I really can’t believe it that I know such person! Stop correcting me!(Learned from Audrey) That’s my style of living! Hey! That’s Me! Don’t you know ‘ORIGINALITY’?? Each got their own specialty and WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO CHANGE SUCH PERSON?? OH! You got your Duty from GOD eh? @#$%&!@$@%#+….etc
Ignore me~ I’m just voicing out what I’m fed up with. Move along people~ There’s nothing to witness here~! hehe
Time : 2100
Location : Jon's Room
What made me wrote this? I dreamt of something. Woke me up! Dang! Saw Cheryl's message but then I ignored awhile. Went straight to the computer! Turn on the monitor(my computer 24/7 on) and started to release my tension-ness and fed up cases. After that I realise it's already 11+ Dang! Rush and rush! By the way, some of you have clues and hint about who is it as I have already gave some hint in college. Think again, What he/she did was also 'caring' in a way. Aiks... Donno la! Don't Care! Don't Bother! Don't mind! <-- my slogan. (Hope those who knows who is it or simply guess who is it keep quiet and for those who think he/she is who I'm talking about, please don't think too much. I think it was a bad dream which caused this ^^ I don't want to cause misunderstanding)
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Needles and Trust
After we arrived, Edwin and I went upstairs to 'chop' us some seats. At the end, we chosen the Japanese style seats. I regret later on as it's hard for me to sit. Maybe not for others who some of them find the seats comfy but definitely not for me. It's not exactly Japanese style though. Later, Foong and Da gang arrives. Which consist Tat Yong and the Legendary Chin Kim Yen! Since rumours stating that one of our 'form-mates' got married, Tat Yong decided to announce his marriage which dates the following week. Yeah, everyone was excited while I laugh and watch the humorous scene. Audrey showed her shocking face and Tracy immediately called Tan Koh Yee to double confirm this announcement. Yeah, after Tat Yong and The Legendary Chin Kim Yen left, Foong told them the truth while me and Edwin already know the truth since the beginning! Foong started his usual lecture. He stated the analysis he did after Tat Yong announced the fake marriage. He said Audrey and Tracy trust people easily. By supporting his point, he used Audrey and Tracy's reaction as evidence. It's funny to recall back how both of them acted. Then Foong said 'Girls now a days get cheated easily' as his introduction for his speech and blah blah. At the end, we started to play the moon game. I enjoyed this as all of them doesn't know how to play! At the end, Edwin got it and gave some hints to Foong. Left circles in Audrey and Tracy's eyes. In the car, Audrey kept asking word by word, items by items, and all my answers are NO! You Cant Bring Such Crap To The Moon! We arrived mamak first and ordered some food. Then we left around 2+ in the morning.
Honesty! Why are you so mean? Trust should be existed in a relationship and I see no honesty. All is too late now to regret but too early to take revenge! Honesty! You're toast!
(Buddhist Teachings)
Thanisaro Bhikkhu taught: “Real honesty is being honest about what your possibilities are, what your potentials are. That's where true honesty lies. It stretches us. It’s not simply admitting where we are - that’s a beginning step, it’s not the end step. So be honest about where you are but also be honest about what your possibilities are. That keeps the challenge of the path always before us.”
Monday, 22 October 2007
Another Choo Choo!
It's Saturday! I've been looking forward! Rendang!! hehe It's Sophia's Open House!! Woke up kinda early and rushed to Hilton again! But this time is that the Trio's have not arrive yet, so I went to help the deserts! Yin Ling(She wasn't there till afternoon) and Ashley! Lih Jiunn insisted that we must start cementing or else would be late!
The experiment started with Tropical! Jun Hao's Islands!! The island of Junhao! Uuu~Ga! At first I think they couldn't mould the cement flat! But then yeah! They still couldn't mould it flat!
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Nivea! Care Your Skin!
Owh yeah! After class, I brought Justin and Sophia for the photo shoot. UNFORTUNATELY! Our dear friend SOPHIA had deleted them which they are suppose to be in my thumbdrive. I shall get it from Justin then. Thank God I pass it to him first! Anyways, It was a great day!
Lake Garden

At last, Friends. Well that ends our Lake Garden visit. After that I have to rush to KLCC as Mom fetching me for dinner.

Final shoot when passing by KLCC after the dinner
Picaso! No?..No!!